Preserve & Protect Our rich heritage

People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. – Marcus Garvey

Our world is blessed with the heritage that is befitting of the cultural aura and glory that it brings to mankind. India, in this aspect, is indeed the richest nation, as she is the repository of those tangible and intangible legacies which have a past inheritance and are highly significant to the present and the future.  By this accord, Kaash Foundation validates and echoes the ethos put forth by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1972:

‘Considering that, in a society where living conditions are changing at an accelerated pace, it is essential for man’s equilibrium and development to preserve for him a fitting setting in which to live, where he will remain in contact with nature and the evidences of civilization bequeathed by past generations, and that, to this end, it is appropriate to give the cultural and natural heritage an active function in community life and to integrate into an overall policy the achievements of our time, the values of the past and the beauty of nature’.


Kaash Foundation strives to safeguard and enhance the integrity of our cultural heritage by preserving and creating awareness. The Foundation believes in exploring the unexplored and protecting the explored, through its device guideline of (3P/SC): Protect, Preserve, Promote, Safeguard and Conserve, in order to catalogue, revive, document, record and conserve them in their authenticity.


  • To organise Awareness Campaigns through documentaries, lecture series and exhibitions etc.
  • To encourage public participation in the development initiatives of the government and other bodies.
  • To act as a consultancy and draft proposals to play a role in upcoming developments
  • Role play as ‘guides’ at heritage sites.
  • Conducting study tours and heritage walks to revive the pride and concern for our heritage.
  • Generate sponsorships for conservation and educational projects.